<aside> ⚠️ You will find notices like this throughout the template to tell you how to adjust things. If you need further help, feel free to email me or come join my Discord community!


Log Items

<aside> ☁️ Throughout the day, you can log items using the buttons above. As items are added, the sugar counter will add up the total amount for you on your daily tracker page (below).


Daily Tracker

<aside> ⚠️ Every day, a new daily tracker page is automatically created.

Keep in mind the daily tracker below will only show you today, you can see past days by clicking on the Past Logs tab.


Sugar Tracker (Daily Pages)

<aside> ⚠️ Right now the goal for each day is set at 30 grams, so that will affect how the green progress bar fills.

If you want to change it, you will need to:

  1. Open up today’s page
  2. Right click on Daily Sugar Count 3. Select Edit Property 4. Change the Divide By value to be the number that correlates with amount of grams of sugar you are trying to stay under each day.


Inventory Items

Sugar Tracker (Inventrory)

Monthly Overview

<aside> ☁️ Here is where you can see a quick snapshot of your progress over the month.

